
Author: Mark Fischer, Jr.
Posted: Aug 4, 2015
Categories: project

A Week in Quotes

This past week I have been making one codepen a day featuring an interesting quote. Here is an example.

The most challenging part, and the part that spawned the whole thing, were the lines on each side of the quotation marks. The first thing you have to do is make the line. This is easy enough, we just add border-bottom like so:

blockquote {
    &::before {
        border-bottom: 3px solid #000;

Next, we need that line to go behind our ::before element. We can do this by making the height of the element half of the height of the letters, the best way to do that is with 0.5em.

blockquote {
    &::before {
        border-bottom: 3px solid #000;
        height: 0.5em

Now comes the tricky part. How do we get the line to only show on either side of the element? One way would be to give the element a background color that matches the parent background color. Unfortunately, this only works when we have a solid background color. Since we want images behind it, we need another method. The one I came up with was using a gradient, like so:

blockquote {
    &::before {
        border-bottom: 3px solid #000;
        border-image: linear-gradient(to right, #555 0, #555 47%, transparent 47%, transparent 53%, #555 53%, #555 100%);
        height: 0.5em

Note that this is not the finished code, I am only showing the interesting properties. If you want code you can copy and paste, check out the source code on the pen itself.
